In 2009, the Horobets Publishing House launched the project Returning cultural heritage to Ukraine, designed to make available to scientists and everyone interested in cultural heritage, facsimile editions of the medieval codices of Rus-Ukraine, which nowadays belong to foreign gatherings. Such handwritten books include the Apostolus Christinopolitanus of the 12th century, three parts of which are kept in the collections of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland. The main part of the medieval manuscript in the form of a codex is in the storage of the Lviv Historical Museum (Inv. No. MS 39, 291 folios). The other two parts are fragments and belong to the collections of the Institute of Manuscripts of the V. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine (Collection 8, no. 3M, 8 folios) and the Princes Czartoryski Library of the National Museum in Kraków (No. MS 11601, 4 folios). The Apostolus Christinopolitanus is a unique parchment manuscript written in Rus-Ukraine in the 12th century. The codex is the oldest and most complete translation of the Acts and Epistles of the Apostles to the Church Slavonic language. The proposed edition consists of an introductory article by Oleksandr Okhrimenko, dedicated to the book culture of medieval Europe and Rus-Ukraine; a complete photocopy of all three parts of the Apostolus Christinopolitanus, known as of 2023; a codicological study of the manuscript prepared by archim. Methodius (Stanislav) Voloshchenko.